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How To Make a Positive Impression With Your Business Premises

Your business premises provide more than just a space for you and your employees to do your work. They have an impact on the overall feel and perception of your business. If your business premises are well thought out, clean, and all-around high-quality, then it should go without saying that your visitors will have a favorable impression of your company. But if they’re not those things, then your premises may end up holding your business back.

So let’s make sure that doesn’t happen. In this blog, we’re going to run through a few tried and tested tips for ensuring that your business premises work for your company, not against it.

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The Right Location

It’s not just what’s going on inside your work premises that matters. Where those premises are also has a big impact on how people view it. You could have excellent decoration and so forth, but if the offices are in a less than stellar part of town, or even in an unpleasant building in a good area, then people will raise eyebrows. You should hope that the surrounding area reflects the standards that you want to showcase with your business.

Clean and Presentable

There’s much to be said for investing in your decoration and infrastructure and so forth. But it’s also vital that you don’t overlook the essentials of business premises. For example, above all, your worksite should be clean and presentable. If it’s not those things, then people will quite rightly ask questions about the overall quality of your business. You should try to instill a clean mindset into your employees, which will ensure that they tidy up after themselves. Additionally, look at hiring a cleaning company to clean your premises for you. 

Catching the Eye

You might have a great office or store. But if people are just walking past it, then it won’t be of much use to you. As such, make sure that your work premises catch the eyes of people going past. This is something that’ll be essential if you’re reliant on foot traffic, but even if you’re not, you will likely find that it’s useful anyway. There’s no shortage of ways to grab people’s attention. You can look at the feather banners that are available here, for instance, and place one outside of your building. You could also look at putting together a great window display, which will help show the world just what you offer.

Your Company Branding

Your company branding shouldn’t just be something that you include in your marketing materials and so forth. It should run through everything that you do; you can think of it as the foundation upon which everything else is built. Your work premises should reflect your branding. This won’t just help to motivate and inspire your employees; it’ll also show your visitors that you’re the real deal. There would be question marks over your business if your work premises were so out of sync with your branding. If you’re marketing yourself as a young and hip business, then that’s what your premises should be like.

Invest In Reception Area

If you have an office, then the reception of that office probably isn’t the most important part of the building when it comes to impact on your operations. However, while it might not be important for the work that you do, it will, of course, have an impact on your visitor’s experience of your business. After all, it’ll be the first part that they see. As such, it can be a good idea to pay particular attention to this part of your premises. It doesn’t have to be too extravagant or amazing, but it should be clean, pleasant, and so forth.

Warm Welcomes

Of course, you can’t expect your building to do all the work. Your office reception might look great, but do you have staff who are able to provide a warm welcome to your visitors? Again, you can think of this as you would your home. A property could be beautiful, but unless there’s someone who will give you a warm welcome, you probably wouldn’t want to be there! It’s important to ensure that everyone who walks through your front door is given a warm welcome. If it’s a shop, then a friendly greeting will suffice. If it’s an office, then you may consider giving them a hot beverage.

Smooth Parking

Nobody wants to spend any longer than usual trying to find a place to park, especially if they’ve traveled from far away. Make sure you reserve the best parking spots for your visitors. You should also clearly outline where your premises are, especially if they can be a little difficult to find on Google Maps.

Ongoing Updates

Your business premises might have looked great once upon a time. But it’s not as if that’ll stay true forever. It’s a bit like a house. You can’t expect your property to remain in tip-top condition if you’re not actively working to ensure that that is the case. So, first of all, be sure to handle any imperfections as and when they materialize. You might not mind, or even notice, if, say, there’s a letter missing from your sign. But that’s probably something that passersby would notice -- and it’s not going to help create a positive impression.

As well as handling things like that, you should also more broadly look at updating your decor. It’ll become dated at some point, and it’ll be best if you’re making improvements and updates before that happens.

See It As An Extension Of Your Business 

Ultimately, the way to win your customers over is to view your premises as an extension of your business. It’s not just a place where you do your work. It’s part of your business. And depending on what you do, it’ll have either a positive or negative impact on your business. If you treat it as something that will ultimately impact your bottom line, then you’ll be highly likely to take the right steps.

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