EOS Traction Tools: The Organizational Checkup

eos traction tool organizational checkup

The Organizational Checkup is one of the key EOS Traction tools that is used during the two-day annual planning session to gauge your organization’s current practice of Traction.

Through a series of 20 statements, you rank your business on a scale of 1 to 5 in regards to how strong you believe your organization is in that particular area.  “1” is weak and “5” is strong. Below are the statements you will find on the Organizational Checkup tool.

The Organizational Checkup Questions

  1. We have a clear vision in writing that has been properly communicated and is shared by everyone in the company.

  2. Our core values are clear, and we are hiring, reviewing, rewarding, and firing around them.

  3. Our Core Focus (core business) is clear, and we keep our people, systems, and processes aligned and focused on it.

  4. Our 10-Year Target (big, long-range business goal) is clear, communicated regularly, and is shared by all.

  5. Our target market (definition of our ideal customer) is clear, and all of our marketing and sales efforts are focused on it.

  6. Our 3 Uniques (differentiators) are clear, and all of our marketing and sales efforts communicate them.

  7. We have a proven process for doing business with our customers. It has been named and visually illustrated, and all of our salespeople use it.

  8. All of the people in our organization are the “right people” (they fit our culture and share our core values).

  9. Our Accountability Chart (organizational chart that includes roles/responsibilities) is clear, complete, and constantly updated.

  10. Everyone is in the “right seat” (they “get it, want it, and have the capacity to do their jobs well”).

  11. Our leadership team is open and honest, and demonstrates a high level of trust.

  12. Everyone has Rocks (1 to 7 priorities per quarter) and is focused on them.

  13. Everyone is engaged in regular weekly meetings.

  14. All meetings are on the sale day and at the same time each week, have the same agenda, start on time, and end on time.

  15. All teams clearly identify, discuss, and solve issues for the long-term greater good of the company.

  16. Our Core Processes are documented, simplified, and followed by all to consistently produce the results we want.

  17. We have systems for receiving regular feedback from customers and employees, so we always know their level of satisfaction.

  18. A Scorecard for tracking weekly metrics/measurables is in place.

  19. Everyone in the organization has at least one number they are accountable for keeping on track each week.

  20. We have a budget and are monitoring it regularly (e.g. monthly or quarterly).

Calculating Your Organizational Checkup Score

The next step is to add up all your “1s”, “2s”, “3s”, and so on.  Next you will multiply all of the “1s” by 1, all of the “2s” by 2, all of the “3s” by 3 and so on.

Finally, add all five numbers to determine the percentage score that reflects the current state of your company.

The Goal of the Organizational Checkup Tool

The first time you complete the Organizational Checkup it really sets a great baseline when you get started using EOS Traction.  Traction states that a score of 80% should be the initial goal, and from there, your leadership team should aim to improve that score each year.

Bob Stanke

Bob Stanke is a marketing technology professional with over 20 years of experience designing, developing, and delivering effective growth marketing strategies.


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