Sprint Planning: An Overview of the Scrum Event That Starts a Sprint

Sprint Planning is a Scrum event that occurs at the beginning of each sprint. The sprint planning event is used to determine what work will be completed during the sprint.

What happens during a Sprint Planning session?

If you're new to sprint planning, here is a quick overview of how to conduct the sprint planning event:

  1. The product owner and development team review the product backlog and identify the user stories that can be completed during the sprint.

  2. The development team creates a sprint goal and sprint backlog.

  3. The team discusses any risks or impediments that could impact the sprint goal.

  4. The sprint planning event is closed and the team begins working on the sprint backlog tasks.

If you are in the early stages of a new project, sprint planning is essential for achieving high velocity and success. You should start by asking team members what their ideal working hours are, how many days they can dedicate to working on the project, and how much time they will spend on team activities during the sprint. Once you have this information, you can begin to refine your Product backlog.

The Product Backlog: The Most Important Element of the Sprint Planning Session

When planning a sprint, the Product Backlog is the to-do list of tasks and features for the development team. The backlog lists the features of the product, assigns story points, and prioritizes tasks by importance. The backlog also includes the number of hours and story points needed for the completion of each task.

Product backlogs can be used for a single project or for multiple projects. The backlog can represent the next release, or a future release. The backlog is continually changing, and it shrinks as development teams complete steps. The number of items in the backlog depends on the complexity of the project.

Product backlogs are created by product owners and other stakeholders. The Product Backlog can be a central product backlog or separate backlogs for each team. The Product Backlog also acts as a roadmap for the Agile team.

Product backlogs should also be broken down into smaller tasks. These tasks are prioritized and described clearly in the Product Backlog. The Product Backlog should also include detailed descriptions of each task. For example, if the goal is to conduct background checks on potential users, the backlog should also include details about the background check agency, user information, links, and pictures. Some teams prefer to refine all items in the Product Backlog, while others like to groom them as they go.

Product backlogs should be categorized according to the customer's needs. They can be described in terms of their benefits and pain points. Product backlogs should also be categorized by user stories, which are stories describing the work from the perspective of the customer. This helps to focus defects, issues, and improvements on the desired outcome of the customer.

Product backlogs help the development team to prioritize tasks. Using backlogs, product managers can better organize the work of their teams and commit to development. It also provides a framework to evaluate priorities and commit to sprints.

The Importance of Having a Product Backlog Order

When sprint planning, product backlog order is crucial for clarity. It also encourages the Product Owner and Scrum Team to break dependencies. However, if the Product Backlog order isn't strictly followed, the Product Backlog may contain items that have low priority. As long as the deviations are minor, they'll have little impact on the overall planning process.

Product backlog order can be negotiated between the Development Team and PO. Usually, items at the top of the backlog are the highest priority, so they should be worked on first. This order is also necessary to avoid partial increments or failure to meet sprint goals. When it comes to sprint planning, the order is a vitally important decision, but it's not the only factor.

The Product Backlog is a comprehensive list of the features and tasks that the project will need to develop. Typically, it includes bug fixes and other technical items, and a high-level description of the user experience. This list is a critical resource for the team to follow. As such, a backlog should be written in a clear and legible way so that it can be easily understood.

A good way to prioritize the Product Backlog is by assessing strategic importance. The team should order Product backlog items according to their strategic importance and the time needed to complete them. Alternatively, they can evaluate them by comparing the business value and effort involved in building them. It's also best to prioritize items in a linear order to avoid inflation of priority.

Refinement Meetings

Product backlog refinement is an important part of sprint planning. In this step, the product backlog is updated and refined, making it easier for the development team to prioritize tasks and deliver features. Backlog refinement is optional, but most scrum teams perform it before the sprint planning meeting. The backlog should be refined at least once before each sprint. Personally, I like to have a dedicated, separate meeting for Backlog refinement.

Why a Sprint Planning Session is Important

Sprint planning is an important event because it sets the tone for the sprint and ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding what needs to be accomplished. sprint planning also allows the team to identify any potential risks or impediments that could impact the sprint goal.

Sprint planning is a crucial event in the scrum process, so it's important to make sure that it's conducted properly. By following the steps above, you can ensure that your sprint planning event is productive and successful.

Bob Stanke

Bob Stanke is a marketing technology professional with over 20 years of experience designing, developing, and delivering effective growth marketing strategies.


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