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Product Backlog in Scrum: A Comprehensive Guide

In Scrum, the Product Backlog is a prioritized list of requirements or features that the development team will work on during the project. The Product Backlog is owned by the Product Owner and is constantly evolving throughout the project.

The Product Backlog can include various types of requirements, such as user stories, technical tasks, bugs, and improvements. Each requirement is described in detail and includes the acceptance criteria, which is used to determine when a requirement is complete.

Why is Product Backlog important in Scrum?

The Product Backlog is an essential component of Scrum because it helps to prioritize work and define the scope of the project. The Product Backlog provides a clear understanding of the project's goals and objectives, and it helps to ensure that the development team is working on the most valuable features first.

The Product Backlog also helps to minimize scope creep by providing a single source of truth for the project's requirements. Any changes to the requirements must go through the Product Owner, who can evaluate the impact on the project and make necessary adjustments.

Characteristics of a Good Product Backlog

A good Product Backlog should possess the following characteristics:


The Product Backlog should be prioritized based on the value that each requirement delivers to the end-user. The Product Owner should continuously prioritize the Product Backlog to ensure that the development team is working on the most valuable features first.


Each requirement in the Product Backlog should be described in detail and include acceptance criteria. This ensures that the development team has a clear understanding of what needs to be delivered and when a requirement is considered complete.


Each requirement in the Product Backlog should be estimated to determine how long it will take to complete. This helps to ensure that the development team has a clear understanding of the project's timeline and can deliver on time.


The Product Backlog should be flexible enough to accommodate changes in requirements or priorities. The Product Owner should continuously refine the Product Backlog to ensure that it reflects the current state of the project.


The Product Backlog should be constantly evolving throughout the project. As the development team gains more knowledge and understanding of the project, the Product Backlog should be updated to reflect any changes or new requirements.

How to create a Product Backlog

Creating a Product Backlog involves the following steps:

Identify the Product Owner

The Product Owner is responsible for creating and managing the Product Backlog. The Product Owner should have a clear understanding of the project's goals and objectives and be able to prioritize requirements based on their value.

Define the User Stories

The Product Owner should define user stories that represent the requirements or features that will be developed. Each user story should follow the INVEST principle, meaning that it should be Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Small, and Testable.

Prioritize the User Stories

The Product Owner should prioritize the user stories based on their value to the end-user. The most valuable user stories should be at the top of the Product Backlog, while the less valuable ones should be at the bottom.

Estimate the User Stories

The development team should estimate each user story to determine how long it will take to complete. The estimation should be done using a consistent method, such as story points.

Add Details to the User Stories

The user stories should be detailed enough to provide a clear understanding of what needs to be developed. This includes defining acceptance criteria, which are used to determine when a requirement is complete.

How to manage a Product Backlog

Managing a Product Backlog involves the following activities:


The Product Owner should continuously refine the Product Backlog to ensure that it reflects the current state of the project. This includes adding new user stories, updating existing ones, and removing ones that are no longer relevant.

The development team and the Product Owner should hold refinement meetings to regularly review and continue refining the Product Backlog items to as small a size as possible to ensure that it is ready for an upcoming sprint. This includes re-prioritizing user stories and updating their estimates.

Sprint Planning

Before each sprint, the development team and the Product Owner should meet for a Sprint Planning meeting to select user stories from the Product Backlog that will be developed during the sprint. This includes breaking down user stories into tasks and estimating how long each task will take.

Sprint Review

At the end of each sprint, the development team should hold a Sprint Review meeting to review the user stories that were completed during the sprint and demonstrate the working software to the stakeholders. This provides an opportunity to receive feedback and make any necessary adjustments to the Product Backlog.

Effective Prioritization Techniques for Scrum Backlogs: MoSCoW, Kano Model, and WSJF

In the world of Agile and Scrum, managing the product backlog is crucial to project success. A well-prioritized backlog not only ensures that the team is working on the most important tasks at any given time but also helps in delivering maximum value to the customers swiftly. Among the various prioritization techniques available, MoSCoW, the Kano model, and Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) are particularly effective. Each method offers unique insights and approaches to prioritizing tasks. Let's delve into how these techniques can be utilized to optimize your project’s outcomes.

MoSCoW Method

The MoSCoW method is a prioritization technique used to reach a common understanding with stakeholders on the importance of delivering each requirement. It stands for:

  • Must have: These are non-negotiable deliverables that are critical for success.

  • Should have: Important but not vital, can be delayed without jeopardizing the project.

  • Could have: Desirable but not necessary, can be included if time and resources permit.

  • Won’t have: Agreed to be out of scope for the current project cycle.

This method is particularly effective in time-constrained project environments, allowing teams to focus on what is absolutely essential for launch. By clearly categorizing backlog items, teams can adjust their focus and resources accordingly, making sure that critical features are developed first.

Kano Model

Developed by Professor Noriaki Kano in the 1980s, the Kano Model helps product teams determine which features will satisfy and delight customers. It classifies features into five categories:

  • Basic Needs: Essential features that customers expect by default. Their absence causes dissatisfaction.

  • Performance Needs: Features that increase customer satisfaction when implemented and cause dissatisfaction when absent.

  • Excitement Needs: Features that are not expected but can cause significant satisfaction if included.

  • Indifferent Needs: Features that neither enhance nor detract from customer satisfaction.

  • Reverse Needs: Features that can cause dissatisfaction when present.

Using the Kano model, teams can prioritize features based on their potential to satisfy customer needs and enhance user experience. This model is particularly useful for making decisions about which new features to add to a product.

Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)

WSJF is a prioritization model used in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) to sequence jobs (e.g., features, capabilities) to produce the maximum economic benefit. It is calculated by dividing the Cost of Delay (CoD) by the job size or duration:

WSJF = Cost of Delay / Job Size​

  • Cost of Delay: Combines user/business value, time criticality, and risk reduction/opportunity enablement.

  • Job Size: Can be estimated using story points or ideal days.

By prioritizing jobs with the highest WSJF scores, teams can ensure that they are delivering the most value at the earliest. This technique encourages teams to focus on quick wins—features that bring significant value but require less effort to deliver.

Key Takeaways on the Product Backlog in Scrum

The Product Backlog is an essential component of Scrum that helps to prioritize work and define the scope of the project. A good Product Backlog should be prioritized, detailed, estimated, flexible, and constantly evolving. Creating and managing a Product Backlog involves identifying the Product Owner, defining user stories, prioritizing them, estimating them, adding details to them, and regularly refining and grooming the Product Backlog. By effectively managing the Product Backlog, Scrum teams can ensure that they are delivering the most valuable features to the end-user.

Product Backlog FAQs

What is the difference between a Product Backlog and a Sprint Backlog?

The Product Backlog is a prioritized list of requirements or features for the entire project, while the Sprint Backlog is a list of user stories selected for a specific sprint.

Who is responsible for managing the Product Backlog?

The Product Owner is responsible for creating and managing the Product Backlog.

How often should the Product Backlog be updated?

The Product Backlog should be continuously refined and updated throughout the project.

Can the development team add or remove items from the Product Backlog?

No, the development team cannot add or remove items from the Product Backlog. Only the Product Owner has the authority to make changes to the Product Backlog.

What is the purpose of estimating user stories in the Product Backlog?

Estimating user stories helps to ensure that the development team has a clear understanding of the project's timeline and can deliver on time.