How to Create a Notion Gantt Chart

I am a huge fan of the tool Notion, mostly because of its flexibility that allows you to create just about anything you can imagine, including countless ways to manage projects. If you are running a project and looking for a way to view your project timeline in a Gantt Chart format, Notion has you covered.

In this quick tutorial, I will show you a simple example of how to create a Notion Gantt Chart.

Step 1: Create a blank table in a Notion page of your choice

Start building your Notion Gantt Chart by creating a new page within your Notion account. I titled my page, “Product Launch Plan”. After giving it the title, select the “Add new”, “Table” option.

Step 2: Create a New Database

After you select the new “Table” option in Step 1, you will be given the chance to select a data source. If you have a table somewhere else in your Notion account, you can select that, but for this example, I am going to select “New database” to start with a blank table.

Step 3: Fill in Your Data

Next, I created a very simple table, consisting of only two columns of data: TASK and DATE. Of course you can add as many fields as you want, but for simplicity, I am only using these two because that is all you need for a basic Gantt Chart.

Step 4: Name the View and Select the Timeline View Option

After you fill in your data, click on the “+” sign underneath the title to create a new Gantt view. After you click on the “+” you will be presented with a menu on the right side of the screen where you can name the new view and then select the “Timeline” view option.

Step 5: Change the Sort Option

After you select the the Timeline view, I recommend you change the “Sort” option in the open dialogue box on the right. In my example, I want to sort the view by DATE. This will organize my Gantt Chart in the classic Gantt view you are use to in other tools, such as Microsoft Project.

You can also add the “Dependencies” option at this point as well, if you wish. That will allow you to connect your plan tasks in the Gantt view you are creating.

Step 6: Your Notion Gantt Chart is Complete!

Now your Product Launch Plan Gantt Chart view is complete. From this view you can add additional steps to the plan, or you can toggle back to the “Table” view which is located right below the title of your page.

Additional Notion Resources to Check Out

I have written other articles about how to use Notion. Below are the links where you can check them out.

How to Build a Notion Kanban Board

Bob Stanke

Bob Stanke is a marketing technology professional with over 20 years of experience designing, developing, and delivering effective growth marketing strategies.

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