What Habits Do Successful Leaders Have?

Leadership is often seen as something that just ‘happens’; some people are good leaders and some… well, they’re not. However, the truth is that although some people might have leadership skills automatically, anyone can learn to be a leader if they want to, and it’s all down to knowledge, of course, plus experience, plus some useful habits that all successful leaders have. With that in mind, let’s take a look at what some of these habits are - you might find you’ve got some already, or perhaps you know how to start practicing them if you want to be a better leader. Either way, read on to find out more.

Consistent Goal-Setting And Planning 

One thing you can rely on when it comes to successful leaders is that they’ll never leave their success to chance - they’ll always have clear, achievable goals and they’ll have detailed plans to reach those goals and accomplish them.

A lot of the time, they’ll do that by having an overarching idea and then breaking down that goal into smaller steps that are easier to achieve and less overwhelming. That’s going to ensure steady progress in the right direction, and on top of that, it also means it’s easier to make adjustments if need be while still being completely focused on the main end goal.

Topping Up Knowledge

Something else that all good leaders will do is continue to learn and top up their knowledge whenever they can; they’ll never assume they know it all because as soon as they do that, they’ll miss out on something important and their competitors will get ahead of them.

If you want to be a good leader, you always need to be on the lookout for learning opportunities like a leadership workshop, courses, training, or even just reading websites and journals to give you more facts and information to work with.

Strong Communication Skills 

Great leaders are also great at communicating with others, whether those others are employees, customers, partners, suppliers, investors, or anyone else, come to that. The fact is that a good leader will know how important effective communication is because it builds trust, keeps your team motivated, and makes sure everyone understands exactly what they’re meant to do - that is, what they need to do to get to the overall goal, whatever that might be.

The best leaders are easily able to give clear instructions, actively listen, and give constructive feedback without blinking; it’s in their nature. However, these are skills that can be learned, and once you get the hang of them, they’ll become habits that can make you into a fantastic and successful leader. 


Even the best leaders can’t do everything by themselves - in fact, the best leaders are the ones who one hundred percent know this and delegate tasks to others so they don’t have to even think about doing it all themselves (which could lead to burnout or at the very least make them distracted and unfocused).

Delegation isn’t just about handing tasks to others and assuming they’ll be able to handle them though; delegation is about ensuring everyone feels confident and can take ownership of what you’re asking them to do. That’s the difference between a good leader and someone who just tells people what to do.

Bob Stanke

Bob Stanke is a marketing technology professional with over 20 years of experience designing, developing, and delivering effective growth marketing strategies.


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